31 Jul 2013

AY2013-2014 Semester 1 Modules

It has been a good long summer break though I'm afraid that this will be the first and last idle summer vacation.

In the coming semester, I'll be taking the following modules:

EC3101 Microeconomic Analysis II
EC3102 Macroeconomic Analysis II
EC3314 Mathematical Economics
EC3341 International Economics I
PH1102E Introduction to Philosophy

I shall be risk-adverse this time round and take only EC modules since I'm clearing both the core modules together at one go and I have to obtain a GPA of 4.0 for both of them in order to do Honours.

As for the electives, it seems that EC3314 is a very unpopular module among EC majors probably because it is quite challenging for a Level-3000 elective. But I have browsed through the content and it doesn't seem to be that difficult. In fact, the content that will be taught in the first half of the semester are mostly familiar topics that have been partially covered in MA1102R and MA1506.

On a side note, PH1102E will also be the last exposure module I have to clear. I look forward to doing so.