5 Dec 2015

AY2015-2016 Semester 2 Modules

It's finally gonna be my last semester! Can't believe 7 semesters have gone in a flash. Anyway, MPE's coming up so it's time I decide on my modules. I won't be in school for most of this semester so I have to choose my modules appropriately to minimize my workload. By the way, I think I forgot to update my modules earlier but it was a last minute decision that I decided to take EC4301 Microeconomic Analysis III in place of EC4341 International Economics II. One reason was that I was afraid that in Semester 2, EC4301 will clash with EC4304 Economic and Financial Forecasting, another module to clear my specialization in Quantitative Economics. But a more important reason was that I decided EC4301 is much lighter than EC4341 which was just what I needed in such a hectic semester. I was glad I took EC4301 instead because EC4103 was unexpectedly a lot heavier than I imagined it to be. Right, so here are my modules for this semester. Oh and cos I overloaded last semester, this semester's really light but I deliberately planned it this way.

EC4304 Economic and Financial Forecasting

I am actually kinda looking forward to this module as much as I am reaching my threshold of dealing with Econometrics or Statistics for that matter. This module is based on time series forecasting, an area that I think will be very useful if one wishes to go into economics research-based sectors. You'll see an element of time series almost everywhere so it really helps to have a good understanding of it. Nonetheless, the focus of this module is on forecasting. But it is definitely interesting. Anyway, even though most of us have already gotten exposed to some sort of time series in EC3304, there was very little emphasis on how we can apply time series models in reality. And I think the application really comes in in the form of forecasting. In other words, this module is both interesting and useful. With my two criteria met on top of this being the remaining module to complete my specialization, this module is definitely a must-take.

EC4880 Topics in Macroeconomics

Two semesters ago, I wanted to take this module and decided to drop the idea. Now, two semesters later, I decided to take it again and this time for real. The reason why I chose this module is 99% because it is a night class which means I'll be able to make it to school in time for the lessons plus this module is pretty light. But the 1% remaining comes from the fact that I actually have quite a bit of interest in growth theories and this module seems like the best choice if I wanna learn more about that. Only thing that's holding me back is that it's an essay-based module and it's very qualitative. Then again, seeing that it's my last semester, I think it's fine. Hopefully this module is still fruitful to some extent.

GEH1019 Food and Health

Firstly, I am not too sure why the module code is changed. I think it has something to do with freshmen requirements. Secondly, this module is real light; just two projects and one finals. Thirdly, I actually just need one damn module to clear my Science GEM requirements. Lastly, it fits my timetable. Apart from these, there is no other reason for why I chose this module. Maybe I'll pick up something about diet nutrition?


  1. May I know GEH1019 2 projects is individual or group work?

    1. Hi, it's individual. You may check IVLE for the assessment.

  2. Hi, may I know if GEH1019 has webcast?

  3. Hi may i know what are the two projects for geh1019 about? Do we need to present them or just submit reports ?

  4. Hi I'm only gonna take the module this coming semester. I am not sure if it has webcast. I didn't bother to find out from my friends as I don't think it makes a difference for me. As for the projects, it was just submission of reports. Hopefully it will remain the same this semester.

  5. Hello. I'm a statistics student. Do you think I can bid for Food & Health under the GEH code? Or can I only bid for it under the GEK code? Because I assume that bidding under GEH, it would require lesser points than the GEK one... But I couldn't find GEH1019 anywhere on CORS.

    1. Oops I guess this is a bit late. But in case you still wanna try bidding in Round 3 or if the module is even offered, I guess since you're not able to find GEH1019, you're most probably not a freshman. Cohort 2014 and before are supposed to bid for GEK modules as was the case all along.

  6. hello!:) thank you for the module reviews, they are really useful :) I am thinking of taking geh1019 in the coming semester, do you have any tips or were there any difficulties in this module? thank you for your time!

  7. Hi, came across ur reviews while browsing the net, i am currently deciding to take geh1019 and another mod. Do you mind sending me geh1019 lecture notes so i can decide better? Sorry for the trouble.. Thank you! My email is rachhielim@gmail.com

  8. Hello, do you still have lecture notes for this module? :)

  9. Hello, do you still have lecture notes for GEH1019? :)

  10. Hello, do you still have lecture notes for FOOD & HEALTH MODULE GEH1019? :)
