15 Dec 2014

Course Materials Update

For those who have requested for materials, please try the new link and let me know if it still doesn't work. I don't have the full stuff for everything but it should be enough to give you a gauge as to whether you should take the module or in the case that you have to take the module either way, you can get a sense of the difficulty level.

Just some quick comments though:
  • The lecturers for EC4102 in Semesters 1 and 2 are different. So the styles might be quite different but I do think that the content covered is about the same. Also, the notes is missing Chapters 6 and 7 which are just Chapters 6 and 7 of the textbook, Advanced Macroeconomics 4th Edition by Romer.
  • I heard ST3131 got a lot harder this semester so I am not going to upload the assignments as they aren't going to be of any help.
  • What is covered under "Exchange Rates" in EC3341 isn't a good gauge as to what's going to be taught in EC3343. So what I uploaded in EC3341 is only going to serve as a guide to EC3342. 

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