2 Jan 2014

AY2013-2014 Semester 2 Modules

In the coming semester, I'll be taking the following modules:

CS1010E Programming Methodology
EC3312 Game Theory and Applications to Economics
EC3333 Financial Economics I
ST2132 Mathematical Statistics
ST3131 Regression Analysis

I had wanted to take EC4341 International Economics II this semester while the content for EC3341 is still fresh in my head. However, I think FASS is quite rigid in terms of the fulfillment of prerequisites; level-4000 modules require the completion of 80 MCs. But as I did not overload in any semester, I have completed only 60 MCs.

Apparently, ST2132 used to be a killer module for Stats majors but ever since Dr Lim Chinghway had taken over this module, the content and exams have become much easier.

Also, ST3131 will be the last module I am using to preclude myself from an EC module. As compared to EC3303, ST3131 is much harder (obviously) but more importantly, it is going to be a lot more useful. EC3303 focuses very little on the understanding of the formulas involved and students are required only to apply the formulas. Of course, there will be some derivation involved but it really isn't as difficult as many made it out to be. Moreover, taking ST3131 will allow me to have an advantage over others (except those from FOS) for EC3304. However, there is one drawback from taking ST3131 instead of EC3303. The software used for EC3303 is STATA while that used for ST3131 is R so I'll have to learn STATA by myself.

On a lighter note, I have finally cleared all my exposure modules which means I can start taking only my core modules from now on. This is great news for me as there is nothing else in FASS that interests me apart from econs.

I have checked my preallocated modules; both EC modules have been allocated to me which means I do not have to bid in Round 1 for this semester. However, the enrollment for these two modules does not seem to be very high which means competition will be more stiff (though I don't think the enrollment and competition can beat that of EC3314).

I am looking forward to doing my modules for this semester especially EC3312, CS1010E and ST3131.

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